Block Party Grants
It’s easy to host a Watertown Block Party! WCF reimburses residents up to $200 to cover reasonable party-related expenses for their first block party ($100 per year in subsequent years).
Five Easy Pieces to Apply For Your Block Party Reimbursement
1. Form a planning group with three neighbors!
2. Decide which Watertown charity you would like to highlight as part of your Block Party.
3. Apply for Block Party funding from WCF.
4. Contact the Watertown City Clerk at least 14 days before your party to close your street. Email or call 617-972-6486. There is a $25 permit fee.
5. Submit Reimbursement/Evaluation form (that includes a list of attendees) to WCF within 2 weeks after your Block Party.
Got questions? Contact WCF’s Block Party Coordinator, Romualda (Roma) Jerome, via email at
Let’s Get This Party Started…
An ideal committee has a minimum of 3 members, though 5-6 people brings more ideas and energy!
We recommend your committee includes people who have a variety of ideas and connections within the neighborhood. Children or young people are great party planners too!
• Choose a date for your block Party. Please note: You must contact the city clerk for a street closure license at least 14 days before the date of the event! There is a $25 city permit fee.
• Decide which local charityyou’d like to support as part of your event. You could ask your neighbors to bring canned goods, hygiene and personal care items, or contributions to support the Watertown Food Pantry, the Catholic Collaborative, or the Watertown Community Fridge. You can also select another Watertown non-profit as your charity of choice for financial contributions.
• Determine which street, or part of a street, to close off for the party. To close off a street, the City of Watertown requires petitioning for closure 14 days in advance. If you hold your party in a neighbors yard or in a way that does not require a street closure, no license is required.
• Come up with a theme for the party! Decide what activities to include and how to involve other neighbors in the preparations. For instance, you can invite the Watertown Free Public Library Bookmobile to your party. Check out this pdffor more party planning ideas!
• Fill out and submit your Application for Block Party Funds to WCF.
First time block parties can be reimbursed for expenses up to $200. If your neighborhood has held a party within the last five years, you are eligible for reimbursement for up to $100.
Funds can be used to cover City fees, food and paper goods, tent rental, performer costs or other party related expenses. Costs for alcohol or cannabis will not be reimbursed.
Note: The City will have a license fee associated with the street closure. You may submit the City of Watertown receipt for this cost for reimbursement as part of your WCF Block Party Grant.
Share your ideas for the block party with as many neighbors as possible:
• Identify a few volunteers to go door-to-door to chat with other neighbors about your ideas.
• Ask residents who live on the street that would be closed for the party to sign the petition form supplied by City Hall.
• Make flyers or posters about the block party to inform neighbors.
• Create a neighborhood email and phone list to keep everyone up-to-date.
• Be sure to save receipts for block party expenses if you intend to submit them to WCF for reimbursement. This could include City fees, food and paper goods, tent rental, performer costs or other party related expenses. Costs for alcohol or cannabis will not be reimbursed.
• Ask all attendees (families) to sign in so WCF can get an idea of how many and who attended.
• Collect donations for the local charity you are supporting.
• Take lots of photos. Please post on Facebook and cross post with the Watertown Community Foundation or email a few to
• A day or so after the block party, deliver donations/contributions to your local charity.
• Within 2 weeks of your Block Party hold a follow meeting with your block party committee.
• Note what worked and what can be improved next year.
• If you’ve been approved for funding from the Watertown Community Foundation, please submit a Reimbursement and Evaluation Form, the sign-up sheets and your receipts.
Every WCF-sponsored block party features philanthropic support for a local charity as part of the event.
Whether collecting canned goods, hygiene and personal items or financial contributions for one of Watertown’s Food Pantries, the Watertown Community Fridge, or another non-profit that serves the Watertown community, you can bring your neighbors together for fun and give back at the same time.