Essential Needs


Roundtable Broadcast

This series on food insecurity in Watertown, co-produced by Watertown News and Watertown Cable Access Television, investigates how hunger is rooted in Watertown. It spotlights the need and use for our local and state food insecurity programs, the people helping on the front lines, and seeks to find out what else can be done. Watertown Cable will be producing a series of programs looking at the issue airing at a later date. The series is made possible, in part, by a grant provided by the Watertown Community Foundation. Watch the Feb 12, 2024, Roundtable Broadcast here.

Watertown’s Hidden Problem: Food Insecurity Among Us

An article from the Watertown News Food Insecurity Series. Continue Reading >

Hunger is a Multi-Faceted Problem — It Won’t Magically Go Away

An article from the Watertown News Food Insecurity Series. Continue Reading >

Hunger in Watertown: Task Force Tackles Social Needs, Tries to Fills Gaps Left by State, Local Programs

An article from the Watertown News Food Insecurity Series. Continue Reading >


A WCF interview with Jennifer Van Campen, Executive Director, Metro West Collaborative Development, about the involvement of the Watertown Community Foundation to support those experiencing housing crises in Watertown MA.

A Watertown Community Foundation interview with Steve Magoon (Director, Community Development and Planning; and Assistant Town Manager, Watertown, MA) about the impact of the Community Resilience Fund on housing in Watertown MA.