

WCF thanks all donors for their gifts, contributions and grants.  We sincerely appreciate everyone’s generous support!  These reports are accurate to the best of our knowledge.  We apologize for any error or oversight.


2020 Donations

We are grateful to the following who have made donations in support of the Watertown Community Foundation and the Community Resilience Fund in 2020.

Over $25,000

Blue Hawk Investments

Mass COVID-19 Relief Fund


Anonymous (3)


Bilezikian Family Foundation

Cresset Development

Rotary Club of Watertown

Sens Foundation

Helen and Joe Soussou

Carl Taplin

Tufts Health Foundation


Arranta Bio

Emily Barclay and John Hawes

Andrew Bundy and Karen Hansen

Enanta Pharmaceuticals

Gail Franck and Stephen Teager

Joanne Shapiro

Bob and Missy Shay

David Siegel and Erika Geetter

Lora Sabin and Jon Hecht

Jan and Steve Singer

Darshna Varia and Gerard D’Souza

Watertown Savings Bank

Lisa Port and Malcolm White


Robert and Kimberly Airasian 

Anonymous (14)

Armenian Memorial Church

Arsenal Yards Holding

Albrik Avanessian

Katelyn Boller

Donald P. Days 

Kristin Engdahl

Eversource Energy Foundation

Marcella Fischer

William and Ann Pruitt Forbush

Marian Friedman

Eileen Hsu-Balzer

Katherine Klosowski

Katherine Kopp

Brian McDonald

Ruth McKay and Donald Campbell

Roberta Miller and Alan Medville

John Petrowsky

Vincent Piccirilli and Anita Meiklejohn

Jeffrey Poulos

Roche Brothers

Thea Sahr and Patrick Field

Sasaki Associates

Michael Ward and Laura Horn

Marcus Williams

World in Watertown


Anonymous (15)

Anthony J. Donato

Arsenal Financial

Thomas Berryman and Joan Ellersick

Jonathan Bockian and Sharon Teitelbaum

Adam Brewster

Jeremiah and Chelley Casey

Anna and William Clark

Andy Compagna

Doreen and Mark Dawson

Eleanor and Anthony Donato

Jason Dunklee

Joseph and Lissa Ferreira 

John Foote and Kristen Rupert

Marian Grogan

Deborah Eve Kodiak

Bill and Lisa Lahey 

Heather Leary

Jessica Middlebrook

Craig Murphy and Joanne Yates

Helen Oliver and Taylor Boas

Mark Peterson and Deborah Demsy-Peterson

Andrew Pramberger

Republic Services

Kristin Rosner and Christopher Oalmann

Maria Saiz and Athelia Tilson

Robert and Myrna Siegel

Joan Stoddard

Linda Sultan

Watertown Fire Fighters

Katie White

Jenna Willis

Ellen Wineberg

Marian Wrobel

Corinne Zimmermann and Paul Worthington


Patti Arsenault

George Bachrach and Susan Centofanti

Marilyn Baillargeon

Susan Baldwin

Thomas Ballou

Beth Barrett

Caroline Bays and Bill Jones

Jim Beaton and Anne Bellefontaine

Devon Beckett

Marguerite Beiser

Fiona Bennie

Joan Blaustein

Laura Blustein and John Gibbons

Charlie Breitrose

Mary Broderick

John Bruce

Janet and Paul Buck

Heather Caldwell and Paul Farnell

Donna and Rick Calleja

Charles Collins and Anne Childs

Marianne and Michael Collins

Linda Corinne and Don Gervich

Beth and John Coughlin

Kristina Courage 

Ann Cox

Bevin  Croft 

Alyse D’Amico 

Susan and Jay Darby

Chris Darmody 

Jennifer Davis 

Paul Day and Nora Mulvaney

Devon and Bill Beckett

Richard Diamond

Chuck Dickinson

Jackie Dobson

Anthony and Kelly Donato

Drs. Susannah Sherry andRafael Ornstein

Eleanor Egan

Judy Fallows

Elana Feldman and Cass Sapir

Judi Fitts

Robert Flack and Frances Forman

Susan Flint and Nicholas Haddad, Jr.

Jeffrey Follett

William Ford

David Fram

John Gannon

Laurie Garden

Nicole Gardner

Lenore and Reginald Gibson

Nyla Gislason

Alex Gottlieb

Chloe Green

Ora Grodsky and Jonathan Rosenthal

Merryl Gross

Rebecca Grow and Jeff Krasner

Wendy and Ned Gulley

Brendan Gymrek and Shirley Viera

Anne H. Hammett

Leanne Hammonds

Shaunna Harrington and Greg Papastoitsis

Scott Hebert and Barbara Epstein

Anna Heller

Lauren Henderson

Mark Hernandez

Constance Holmes

Randall Hoover

Ellen Isenstein

Sarah Jacqz

Sandra Jaffe and Jay Blitzman

Janet Jameson

Cornelia Janke

Julie Kahn and Helen Brown

Judy Kaplan

Jennifer Kapuscik and Barbara Siegel

Teresa Kohlenberg and Thomas Goodwillie

Julie Kong

Verna Krishnamurthy

Kristin Kullman

Nancy Lamberson

Leif and Leah Larsen

Nicole Ledoux

David Leon and Barbara Hansberry

Carolyn Levinson

Lee Leonta Longman

Chris and Wilson Lowry

Kathryn Madden and Roger Herzog

Eric Maillis

Ilana Mainelli

Mike Mandel and Chantal Zakari

Mark D. Wagner and Melina Jacovides

Dylan B. Marshall

Joan and Leo Martin

Katherine Martin 

Melissa Maslin

Jason Mathers

Kelly McCoy

Meehan and Grimshaw

Tom and Debbie Melone

Greg Menounos

David Meshoulam and Becca Lowenhaupt

Stephen Meuse

Michal Micner

Clifford Mitchell

Paul Moreton

David Morrison and Martha Scott

Deanne Munger

Christina Murphy

Tim Murphy and Mina Gibb

Robin Nachman

Meghan O’Connell

Joan Oustifine

Laura Pabo

Kendall Palmer Watts

Ravikiran Patil

Nyssa Patten

Kristen Patterson

Diane Pellagrini

Hannah Rakoff

Todd Rivers

Barbara and Jeremy Ruskin

David J. Russo and Matthew McNeff

William and Genevieve Salemi 

Becca Salmaso

Sarah Bansen and Dan Grossman

Michael Schade

Pamela Simos

Carole-Jean and Louis Smith

Jennifer Smith

George and Ellen Snowdon

Kathleen Spivack

Stephen Steadman and Brigitte Steadman-Kreuzer

Harry Stoddard

Richard Sullivan

Jolly and Mike Tager

Wolfram Tempel

Three Sons Auto Body

Warren and Carolyn Tolman

Will and Susan Twombly

Benjamin Unger

Lauren and Dan Unsworth

Lydia Vagts

Peter and Kristen Vallieres

Ruben van Leeuwen

Lynn and Adam Walder

Bonnie Waltch and Paul Rocklin

Nathan and Joanna Weston

Laurie Williams and Andrea Seek

Kim Wontak and Stella Bae

Cindy and Evan Yee

Anna Yoo and Guido Guidotti 

Sarah Young


Carol Airasian 

Margaret Anderson

Benjamin Beckwith

Kerry Biddy

Kim Borg

Matthew Boxer

Katherine Button

Steven Byrnes

Alison Callahan

Julie Candiello

Kristen Chapron

Paul Charles

Kelley Cochrane

J. Laurence Coe and Doris Halvorson

Cynthia Col

Mary Colvin

Paul Connolly

Lisa and Eric Cordeiro

Althea Cranston

Peter Del Tredici and Susan Klaw

Lindi Delorio

Jean and Gretchen Dunoyer

Judith Dushku

Nancy Dutton and David Benson

Allison Eck

Kendra Eshleman

Jane Faccenda

Patrick and Monica Fairbairn

Susan Falkoff

Jason Field

Susan Fish

Marta Flores

Alyssa Fong

Alan Fortunate

Lisa Francescon

Keith Glavash and Marylene Altieri

Robert Goodman

Tod and Jacqueline Gross

Cynthia Grzelcyk

Sue Hanfling

Laurie Harris

Carly Henderson

Sarah Herman

Ann Hilferty

Jane Holden

Alice Holt

John Hostage

Beth Houston

Susan Hulbert and Ned Moan

Peter and Cathy Izzo 

Reno James

David Jay

Donna Kay Johnston

Karen Nickel

Tom and Judy Kohler

Marie Kollias

Michael MacMann and Patricia Randall

Tara Mahoney

Maria Ruggiero and Eileen Michaels

Sydney Mason-Barrett

Eileen McCluskey

Deborah McLellan

Patrick Mertens

Kenneth Mirvis and Rebecca Rowley

Danielle Morgan

Erin Morgan

Catherine Moritz

Barbara and Steve Neel

Alina Orasanu

Catherine O’Reilly

Laurie O’Reilly

Linda C. Ovoian

Sarah Eliza Petrow

Cecille Platek

Maria Pologruto

Carolyn Reckman

Ellen Rothman

Sarah and John Ryan

Joan and Anita Savitsky

Corey Schofield

Andrea Schuler

Allyson Schumacher

Sharon Schumack and Michael Luckens

Shawna Searles

Patricia Shelton

Natalie Singer

Charles and Arlene Smith

Joanna Sohlman

Susan Sommer and Kendra Moore

Edward and Charlene Sugrue

Jon Szeski

Carol Tierney

Colleen Treacy

Ronit and Karl Velde

Stephanie and Steven Venizelos

Bridget Wack

Ann M. Walters

Margie Wayne

Cynthia Wentz

Margaret Nairn Wesel

Sarah Wharton

Josephine E. White

Carol Wilson-Braun

Matching Donors

Autodesk Foundation

Bright Funds Foundation

FM Global Foundation


LPL Financial Foundation





In Kind Donations


Victoria Sax Design