2024 Contributors


We extend our deep thanks and special recognition to the following individuals and institutions who supported our work in 2024. Your generosity makes the critical difference in bringing positive change to people’s lives in Watertown.*

*We make every effort to accurately recognize your contributions. We last updated this list on February 7, 2025. We apologize for any error or oversight.


Commonwealth of Massachusetts

$20,000 to $49,000

Eileen Hsü-Balzer and Family

$10,000 to $19,999

Emily Barclay and John Hawes

Kymera Therapeutics

Bob and Missy Shay

SENS Foundation

$5,000 to $9,999


Arsenal Yards Holding

C4 Therapeutics, Inc

Enanta Pharmaceuticals

Watertown Savings Bank

$1,000 to $4,999

Albrik Avanessian

The Atrium School

Jeffrey and Nancy Bilezikian

Senator Will Brownsberger

Anna and William Clark

Gerard D’Souza and Darshna Varia

Ann Feeley

Joseph and Lissa Ferreira

FM Global Foundation

Michael Grady

The Holt Realty Group

Gail Hupper and William Wood

Katherine Klosowski

Heather Leary

Christopher Leitz

Peter Levin and Nancy Pepper

Kelly McCoy and Micha Josephy

Alan Medville and Roberta Miller

Mary Ann Mulligan and Frances Carito

Simon Murphy-Holroyd

Tony and Maureen Paolillo

John Petrowsky

Rotary Club of Watertown

Vincent Piccirilli and Anita Meiklejohn

Joanne Shapiro

David Siegel and Erika Geetter

David Simon

Sons and Daughters of Italy

Carl Taplin

Athelia Tilson and Maria Saiz

Michael Ward and Laura Horn

Webb-Seidel Family Fund

Marian Wrobel

$500 to $999

Arsenal Financial LLC

Robert Airasian

The Arsenal Project

AYR Wellness

Julie Balzer

Anne Benaquist

Carole Biewener

Branch Line Restaurant

Lisa Capoccia and Gideon Schreiber

Janice Craige and Steve Singer

Eastern Clothing Company

Eric Elliott and Judith MItchell

Dominick Galang and Carl Janey

Nicole and David Gardner

Gigi's Pizza Company

Givinga Foundation

Hampton Inn and Suites

Roger and Judith Kamm

Shannon and John Lawn, Jr.

Sheila J. Lukesh

Donald and S. Kelley MacDonald

Kathryn Madden and Roger Herzog

Jason Mathers and Nathalie M. Highland

Heather McManus and Guy Thompson II

Greg Menounos and Ellen Parker Menounos

Ryan and Jennifer Nicholson

Helen Oliver and Taylor Boas

Steve and Pia Owens

City Councilor Tony Palomba

Leah and Jason Pennino

John Portz and Meredith Montague

Quebrada Baking Company

Roche Brothers Sudbury Farms

Thea Sahr and Patrick Field

John Straus and Liza Ketchum

Felicia Sullivan

Trip Advisor


$250 to $499

Andreas Aeppli and Lisa Cole

Noor Al-Kiliddar

Thomas Ballou

Sarah Bansen and Daniel Grossman

Barbara Beck

Jonathan Bockian and Sharon Teitelbaum

William Hank Bonney

Lynn Bratley and Seldon Chuck Dickinson

Carm Bruncati

Janet and Paul Buck

Katherine Button

James P. Collins and Jill A. Grabowski

Conley’s Pub and Grille

Judith Connell

Paul Connelly

Sandra Cooke

Direct Tire and Auto Service

Eleanor and Anthony Donato

John Foote and Kristen Rupert

Ryan Gleason

Elizabeth Helfer

Committee to Elect Susan Falkoff

Ninos and Maya Hanna

Shaunna Harrington and Greg Papastoitsis

Mark Heumann and John Millea

Constance Holmes

Deb Hooper and Katherine Codega

Emile Sherif Kaldany

Roger and Judith Kamm

Judith Katz and Dean Solomon

Rachel Kay

Markus Kolic

Ilana Mainelli and Dan I. Seidman

Melissa Maslin

Thalia Meehan and Dr. Gretchen Grimshaw

Lindsay Mosca

Susan Musinsky and David Krieger, MD

The Nardozzi Family

Orix Corporation

Sabin-Hecht Family

Joan Savitsky and Anita Karcz

Corey Schofield

Michael and Maureen Schrader

Mark and Mary Beth Sideris

Sun Life Financial

Donna and Matt Tuccinardi

Will and Susan Twombly

Nora Viskin

Watertown-Belmont Chamber of Commerce

Watertown Free Public Library

Cynthia Wentz Charitable Trust

Nathan and Joanna Weston

Katie White

Lauren Coughlin Unsworth and Dan Unsworth

$100 to $249



Sharon Bauer and David Breakstone

Caroline Bays and Bill Jones

Devon and Bill Beckett

Thomas Berryman and Joan Ellersick

Phyllis Birnbaum

Heather Caldwell and Paul Farnell

Linda and Ted Cocca

Marianne and Michael Collins

Beth and John Coughlin

Althea Cranston

Susan and Jay Darby

Angelo DeFrancesco

Peter Del Tredici

Anthony J. and Elizabeth Donato

Victor Farutin

Sheila Fay

Elana Feldman and Cass Sapir

Judy Fitts and David Palmer

Susan Flint and Nicholas Haddad, Jr.

Jeffrey Follett

John Gannon

Laurie Garden

Mina Gibb

Lenore and Reginald Gibson

Nyla Gislason

Give LIvely Foundation

Keith Glavash and Marylene Altieri

Ora Grodsky and Jonathan Rosenthal

Rebecca Grow and Jeff Krasner

Joe and Cynthia Grzelcyk

Nancy and Theodore Hammett

Scott Hebert and Barbara Epstein

Sarah Herman

Randy Hoover

John Hostage

Jean and Paul Humez

Ellen Isenstein

Emily Izzo

Sandra Kasabian-Hoffman and George Hoffman

Deborah Kaup

Therese Kohlenberg and Thomas Goodwillie

Katherine Kopp

Sarah Laursen

David Leon and Barbara Hansberry

Carolyn Levinson

The Liffiton Fund

Chris and Wilson Lowry

Eric Maillis

Cesar Maiorino

James McDermott and Sharon Bazarian

Dolores Mitchell

Paul Moreton

Robin Nachman

Ruth Nelson

OWL Fitness Studio

Laura Pabo

Anahit Papazian

Dwayne Parmley

Carol and Mark Pennington

Mark Peterson and Deborh Demsy-Peterson

Daniel Evans Pritchard

Hannah Rakoff and Patrick Lavoie

Larry Raskin and Ingrid Joy Wolfson

Carolyn Reckman

Maria Rose

Kristin Rosner and Christopher Oalmann

David J. Russo and Matthew McNeff

Rebecca Salmaso

Stephen Santis

Sharon Schumack and Michael Luckens

Elisabeth Shaw

Victoria Sax

Joan and Harry Stoddard

Karl Twelker

Lydia Vagts

Ronit and Karl Velde

Stephanie and Steven Venizelos

VFW Post 1105

Lynn and Adam Walder

Bonnie Waltch and Paul Rocklin

Daniel Watson

Julie White

Rosemary Wilson

Carol and Jeffery Wilson-Braun

Jennifer Wolfrum

Marie Woods

Elizabeth Yong

Up to $100

Patricia Ahern

Carol O. Airasian


Roberta Brown

J. Laurence Coe and Doris Halvorson Coe

Cynthia Col

Liz Cremens

Cronin Signs

Julie Dimilla

Anita Roy Dobbs

David and Helen Downes

Judith Dushku

Patrick and Monica Fairbairn

Judy Fallows

Darren Farrington

Susan Fish

Alan Fortunate

Amy Gazin-Schwartz

Margo Guernsey

Joanne Hammil

Sue Hanfling

Sue-Ellen Hershman-Tcherepnin

Jane Holden

Alice Holt

Sandra Jaffe and Jay Blitzman

David Jay

Laura Kahn

Jennifer Kapuscik and Barbara Siegel

Anthony F. Kelley and Joan Parks Kelley

Ann Kelly

Kristen Kopischke

Lisa Laplante

Leah Lindsay

Jesse Lipson

Steve Magoon

Jessica Middlebrook and David Weintraub

Rachel Milbury

Grace Mlady

Ann Munson

Barbara and Steve Neel

Network for Good

Paula R. Nicholas

Mark Ottensmeyer

Arthur and Patricia Patsios

PayPal Giving Fund

Xin Peng

Patricia G. and M.G. Pepper

Sarah Eliza Petrow

Alice Poltorick

Barbara and Jeremy Ruskin

Michael Schade

Karen Schwartz and Jay Thornton

Rosemary Sheehan

Adrienne Sloane

Ruth Spack

Frederica Steinberg

Geraldine and Thomas Sullivan

Elaina Themistos

Carol Tierney and Joel Rosenberg

Marjorie Wayne

Nicholas Zinser

Sarah Zoen